A couple who ____________s together, stays together.
You've heard it before, time and time again, but we decided on travels together. For Adam and I, this 2 year anniversary travel trip was extra special because we had been going nonstop with the move from Chicago to Nashville/new jobs/new home, etc. We got to Maui, Hawaii and set ourselves apart from everything. Off went the cell phones!
You can't help but focus on each other when you are on an island, with no communication to others, no social media, pinterest, etc. It was amazing! It got me thinking on marriage and what is important in our life.
Our advice to any couple, young or old (there are A LOT of old couples in Maui who obviously prove traveling together year after year helps the marriage), would be to take time apart whether it be a day off work, weekend, or week to just be with each other. We all get so caught up in our everyday life, family, friends...until we stop and realize when is the last time we had a date night - I will get to that later - or set aside time for just us to reflect on each other, check in on each other, and grow as a couple.
1. Date Night - There are obvious things that can instantly make a couple happy and stronger, but we won't go there. ;) One thing we have found profitable in our marriage is Date Night! This was the best advice we got our first couple months of marriage, and it is always my favorite night of the week. We sometimes set aside a night at home to just watch out favorite show together, or go out to a restaurant, or any other type of date you can think up...it doesn't matter...just plan it. Get creative.
2. Check Ups - No not at the doctor. Spend time - NOT ON YOUR DATE NIGHT - to check up on each other. Take 5 or 10 minutes to ask your spouse how they are doing, how is work, is anything bothering them, anything exciting going on. This may sound stupid to some of you, but Adam travels a good amount for work, so for us this is key to making sure we (mostly I) don't eventually blow up over something stupid I could have addressed in a casual conversation. Go the extra mile and chose something you guys could both improve on, and here's the kicker...actually work on it!
3. Be the spouse you want your spouse to be - Ouch! This is also something we heard at a church event early on in our marriage, and it stuck with us. Sometimes I will literally be about to do or think something and instead think....gosh, I would freak on Adam if he said/did that to me. It can prevent lots of tiffs if used properly. Also use it in the way of going out of your way to do something nice for your spouse. Sometimes we try to outdo the other one, and who can lose there? Keep the sweet things coming. :)
4. Have couples in your world that you admire the marriage of. - Parents, friends, etc. We have certain couples in our world that we admire and take advice from. It's always great to know people who have been where you want to go.
5. Say I Love You...as often as you can.
6. Give kisses, lots of kisses.
7. When you DO argue/fight/throw things, make up fast because yes it will happen. For the couples that give advice and say they don't argue...look for advice elsewhere because they aren't real people. It will happen, but more importantly don't dwell on it - that's Bible. Don't forget every one's favorite word and verb...Forgive...that's also Bible.
7. Keep pressing on keep looking up, and most of all - Have FUN!
Marriage is the best thing that was ever invented, and being your with your best friend on your journey is the best feeling in the world. We are no where near reaching the perfect marriage, but we are always looking to grow and implement new things into our journey to be better. Feel free to share tips, and steal ours. There is nothing more important to me here on this earth than my man and our marriage.
Can't end this without thanking my sweet man, my role model, and best friend - my husband, Adam. I Love You.